When athletes, and people in general, achieve the goals they have set themselves, it’s moment to be clear about one’s values, and to mantain them and defend them even in situations where you are more successful.
Respect for others is one of the basic requirements form participating on MWTC. It is a fundamental part of sport, competition generates situations of tension that implies the presence of respect or self-control for solving the intensity of the situation.
The desire to achieve the maximum performance and do things not only well but also as well as is feasibly possible and to improve every day. This impulse to grow requieres: excellence, patience, discipline, order, motivation or responsibility.
In the MWTC players form part of a team, and that implies that becomes an active element that acts on behalf of the whole. Playing for the team or supporting teammates, every member of the team is key to achieve the global goal.
It’s a value that can take us to unthinkable heights and led us to achieve targets and objectives that may other times appear inaccessible. Dedication, rigour, constancy sacrifice and perseverance are key for chasing our dreams.